Socket your 378 pin BGA packages on any PCB without significant performance loss and without soldering !! Ironwood Electronics has recently introduced a new high performance BGA socket for 0.61mmx0.635mm pitch BGA 378 pin IC's. The SG-BGA-7303 socket is designed for 18.2×9.7mm BGA package and operates at bandwidths up to 30 GHz with less than […]

A connector for micro coaxial cable requires various aspects, such as connection reliability, bendability of the cable immediately before the connector, transmission characteristics, and stable quality, to be taken into account. KEL has developed connectors that satisfy the various aspects ahead of the others in the industry. The 0.5 and 0.4mm pitch connectors that we […]

Quickly and easily Socket your 0.8mm pitch 20×20 array, 292BGA packages on any application board with performance equivalent to direct solder version !! Ironwood Electronics has recently introduced a new BGA socket design using high performance elastomer capable of 75GHz, very low inductance and wide temperature applications. The GT-BGA-2052 socket is designed for 17×17 mm […]

Loranger International Corporation burn-in and test sockets are used worldwide in programs including defense, guidance, automotive, music, communication and space exploration. Loranger Sockets are designed to withstand the conditions of burn-in, test, HAST, humidity and repeated insertions.  

You can search our products by application. Select the appropriate item from among the list of 18 types of finished products shown on the list.  We are always keen to incorporate customer needs into our new products. If you have specific needs not met by our current products, please contact our sales staff.  

Loranger International Corporation designs and manufactures burn-in and test sockets, printed circuit boards and environmental chamber systems for the electronics manufacturing industry. Loranger International Corporation sockets are optimized for today’s small, fine pitch electronic packages including QFN, as well as for older style packages. Loranger International Corporation burn-in and test sockets are used worldwide in […]

When the connector is mounted on the printed circuit board, a location error in the two directions of horizontal and vertical (XY direction) may occur at both connectors. In addition, if each printed circuit board is fixed to a case by screws after mating connectors, the connectors may have to compensate for the location error […]

Ironwood has hundreds of Open Top BGA and QFN Socket options ! Ironwood Electronics has the most comprehensive collection of open top BGA and QFN sockets that can be used for qualification application, silicon FIB testing, system development, thermal characterization, burn-in application, etc. Ironwood utilizes elastomer and spring pin contact technology down to 0.3mm pitch […]

Amphenol LTW (ALTW) introduces IP68 Micro USB 2.0, SWIFT, preventing your portable or wearable devices from the damage of water ingression. Utilizing high-strength stainless steel shell, ALTW’s micro USB 2.0 SWIFT provides the lowest profile for your space-constraint applications. Its SMT design with through-hole mounting tabs achieves better performance of rugged durability and quality. Applications […]

Amphenol-LTW introduces its brand new HS-Lok series for your space-constraint applications. With audible feedback and guided key design, this HS-Lok series ensures error-proof and easy assembly for blind mating. A simple quick and safe release to save you time and cost, with just a small pull force. Designed to meet IP68 waterproof protection and rated […]