Quickly and easily Socket your 0.4mm pitch BGA packages on any application board with performance equivalent to direct solder version !! Ironwood Electronics has recently introduced a new BGA socket design using high performance elastomer capable of 40 GHz, very low inductance, high endurance and wide temperature applications. The SMP-BGA-8007 socket is designed for 6.064×6.464 […]
ALTW Laboratory is the first accredited connector manufacturer by UL Witness Test Data Program (WTDP) in Taiwan. As a UL WTDP certified laboratory, ALTW will be able to perform certification tests including UL1977 and UL2238. Meanwhile, ALTW is approved as the testing laboratory by Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) with the general requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. The test results can be mutually recognized to the Asia-Pacific […]
Ironwood Electronics is pleased to offer various high performance contact technologies such as elastomer and spring pins to match customer specific application requirements. The socket design plays a major role in the successful utilization of the test socket. Consider the following socket lid types: The swivel lid uses the smallest footprint in the industry and […]
High Frequency testing of 0.5mm pitch 300 pad flex module is made easier with PB-FLEX300-Z-01 Socket Probe Adapter with FPC connectors !! Ironwood Electronics' PB-FLEX300-Z-01 Socket Probe Adapter which allows high-speed testing of flex module while accessing the signals using testers via FPC connector. Ironwood Electronics is an expert in developing high-speed interfaces for processors, […]
Socket and Test your 11.2×4.725mm BGA device using extreme temperature socket !! Ironwood Electronics recently introduced a new Stamped spring pin socket addressing high performance requirements for testing BGA30 – CBT-BGA-7027. The contactor is a stamped spring pin with 31 gram actuation force per ball and cycle life of 500,000 insertions. The self inductance of the contactor is 0.88 […]
Ironwood Electronics is proud to offer an extension of our GT-BGA socket product line. GT-BGA368 and GT-BGA1800 were developed for 0.3mm pitch devices and have proven successful in the field. The GT product line utilizes a unique contact technology at an extremely low cost. GT is a new elastomer technology that has silver particles held […]
ALTW has now added to its M12 range the S and T-coding, that is fully intended for your power transmission requirements. This M12 connector system is rated to 12 A and 630 Vac (S-coding) / 60 Vdc (T-coding), it is suitably use as an alternative to any bulky connectors in your power-driven applications. The range […]
MH has always strived to work closely with its customers to achieve the best product offering and service on the market. In response to customer demand we have developed a new full metal hood named the MHDU45ZK series. This new design offers the following benefits to our customers: Full metal hood for excellent EMI / […]
SMD quartz crystal with 32.768 kHz !! Jauch announces a new Tuning Fork Crystal: The JTX110 is an ultra-small size SMD crystal which is only offered in a frequency of 32.7680 kHz. The ceramic package provides high precision and reliability. JTX110 uses a tuning fork crystal internally. A special photolithographic manufacturing process is used in […]
Socket your 177 ball BGA packages on any PCB without significant performance loss and with no soldering and no mounting hardware or screws !! Ironwood Electronics has recently introduced a new high performance BGA socket for 0.8mm pitch BGA 177 pin device. The SG-BGA-6434 socket is designed for an 13×13 mm package size and operates at […]