Andon Pin Grid Array Sockets and PGA Adapters are perfect for high pin count microprocessors. Andon offers the widest selection of standard footprints, from 5×5 to 26×26, as well as custom designed PGA Sockets. Andon PGA Sockets offer a choice of insertion and extraction forces, including Andon’s exclusive 1 ounce ultra low force contact. Standard […]

Ironwood Electronics released a new product line “SG-9000 series” to the addition of GHz BGA socket technology that provides up to 10 GHz bandwidth in a small, cost effective ZIF socket for prototype and test applications.  The GHz BGA socket is a simple mechanical socket based on elastomer contact technology.  

Sockets for High Bandwidth Applications: GHz BGA & QFN/MLF sockets provide excellent signal integrity in a small, cost effective ZIF (Zero Insertion Force) socket for prototype and test applications. Our sockets support pitches down to 0.3mm. Zoccoli per applicazioni ad alta banda di larghezza: Gli zoccoli GHz BGA & QFN / MLF forniscono un'eccellente integrità […]

Ironwood Electronics recently released a new product line called thermal socket lid -TSL-ST-01 that allows any IC devices to be placed inside any socket and operated at IC’s extreme temperature to determine its thermal capability. Thermal Management Systems

The Semiconductor industry enabling today’s electronics market place is widely disseminated between multiple customer factions such as consumer electronics, telecommunications, automotive, medical devices, military, aerospace, industrial controls, embedded computing and other industries. A component’s life cycle for each industry varies drastically from 6 months to 10 years. This typically involves microprocessor/micro controller device types. Substitute […]

The SMQ32SN is a very small size SMD crystal which is only offered at a frequency of 32.768 kHz. The seam sealed ceramic metal package contains a highly reliable and heat resistant tuning fork crystal. A special photolithographic manufacturing process is used in order to reduce the blank size and to improve the electrical parameters. […]

Quickly and easily Socket your 19x19mm, 1mm pitch BGA packages on any application board with performance equivalent to direct solder version. The SM-BGA-9019 socket is constructed with high performance and low inductance elastomer contactor.