La serie MYNOX rappresenta una svolta nella gamma FULLWAT a causa del suo carattere “Carattere Industriale”. Prodotto secondo gli standard di qualità con certificazioni per il mercato Industriale ed illuminazione: EN60950-1, EN61347-1, EN61347-2-13. EN55015, EN55024, EN55032, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3, EN61547, EN62493, EN55022 Class B, CE approval. MTBF (tempo medio tra guasti) > 1290K ore (a seconda […]

FULLWAT brand is a switching power devices bellwether since 20 years ago. Our full range of power supply devices, adaptors, chargers, inverters and other similar purpose devices, is now completed with this new catalog. New devices are offered to led lighting market and energy saving projects or automation industrial market. Multiple solutions are available for […]