Ironwood Electronics has recently introduced a new BGA socket design using high performance elastomer capable of 75GHz, very low inductance and wide temperature applications. The GT-BGA-2105 socket is designed for 15×15 mm package size and operates at bandwidths up to 75GHz with less than 1dB of insertion loss. The socket is designed to dissipate 5 […]

Simula Technology Inc. is a publicly listed company in Taiwan, who designs and manufactures high-performing connectors, cables and accessories. Established in 1990, Simula’s mission is to lead the industry with excellent R&D technology, constant innovation and exceptional customer service. Simula provides both off-the-shelve and customized solutions to accommodate customers in various market segments. To ensure […]

Socket your 3589 pin BGA using Extreme Temperature Socket with Superior Electrical Performance Ironwood Electronics recently introduced a new BGA socket addressing high performance requirements for Micro Controller Unit – CBT-BGA-6090. The contactor is a stamped spring pin with 19 gram actuation force per ball and cycle life of 125,000 insertions. The self inductance of the contactor is […]

Socket your BGA package using elastomer socket with superior electrical performance Ironwood Electronics has recently introduced a new high performance elastomer socket for 0.35mm pitch BGA package. The SG25-BGA-2056 socket is designed for a 2.28mmx2.28mm package size and operates at bandwidths up to 52 GHz with less than 1dB of insertion loss (GSSG configuration). The […]

Fast and Secure Push-Pull Locking System ALTW is pleased to presents FLO, a new product line of metal push-pull connector series intermateable with Fischer, Lemo, and ODU. FLO series offers a quick and easy mating for a precise and reliable connection for signal, data, and power transmission both in indoor or outdoor environments. Overmolded, adaptors, […]

Socket your 676 pin BGA using Extreme Temperature Socket with Superior Electrical Performance !! Ironwood Electronics recently introduced a new BGA socket addressing high performance requirements – CBT-BGA-6087. The contactor is a stamped spring pin with 19 gram actuation force per ball and cycle life of 125,000 insertions. The self inductance of the contactor is […]

FAS Series is 1.5mm pitch drawer connector, and it offers prevention of buckling of the contact pins, easy adjustment of the mating position, reduction of the stress when mating and highly reliable connection. KEL recently developed this product as a smaller version of the FA Series, which was released earlier, and has launched sales of […]

Ironwood Electronics has recently introduced a new high performance BGA socket for 1mm pitch, 543 pin BGA IC’s. The SG-BGA-6485 socket is designed for IC size – 23x32mm package size and operates at bandwidths up to 27 GHz with less than 1dB of insertion loss. The contact resistance is typically 20 milliohms per pin. The […]

Ironwood has the most comprehensive collection of open top BGA and QFN sockets that can be used for qualification application, silicon FIB testing, system development, thermal characterization, burn-in application, etc. IC socket can be defined as an electromechanical device, which provides removable interface between IC package and system circuit board with minimal effect on signal […]

Socket your LGA6 using Extreme Temperature Socket with Superior Electrical Performance !! Ironwood Electronics recently introduced a new LGA socket addressing high performance requirements for custom pitch devices – CBT-LGA-5017. The contactor is a stamped spring pin with 14.5 gram actuation force per pin and cycle life of 100,000 insertions. The self inductance of the […]