HTP Asia Technology Co., Ltd. (HOLIN-TECH) is a leading manufacturer and supplier speciallized in Development, Manufacturer for of High Quality Waterproof/ Harsh Environment Connectors,Customized Cable Assemblies and Accessories. We are an ISO9001:2015 & ISO14001:2015 Certified Company, D&B D-U-N-S Registered Member, No.658689653 Our IP66~68 Rating, RoHS Compliant Connector Series have been widely used for Electronic Interconnection, […]

A board to board connection requires fine-pitch pogo sockets to achieve the required accuracy. Pogo-Pin testing solutions have a significantly increased lifetime with more than 30.000 touchdowns. The excellent connectivity reduces the coplanarity error that occurs with traditional testing pins and results in a improved efficiency of the testing procedures. CCP has developed different kinds […]

SBT contact replaces spring pin in all lab and evaluation applications due to low cost and better electrical/mechanical performance than conventional pogo pin. Custom burn-in socket can be produced using SBT contact in 3 weeks when standard socket is not available. SBT sockets with wide temperature range are available in same footprint as elastomer GHz sockets. SBT sockets are robust and can be […]

Lever Actuated Spring Pin Socket for BGA320 Socket your 320 pin BGA using Extreme Temperature Socket with Superior Electrical Performance Ironwood Electronics recently introduced a new BGA socket addressing high performance requirements for Micro Controller Unit – CBT-BGA-6084. The contactor is a stamped spring pin with 31 gram actuation force per ball and cycle life of 125,000 […]

CCP Contact Probes Co., Ltd. is a leading global manufacturer of Contact Probes, Pogo Pins, Testprobes, Springloaded Connectors, and Crown Spring Connectors. In 1986 we began as a specialized provider of test probes and socket auxiliary solutions and slowly expanded our product portfolio in related industries such as electronic components manufacturing. Among our customers are […]