The Complete Solution

Plastic Hoods
Metalized Plastic Hoods
Full Metal Hoods
Metal + Plastic Hoods
Special Hoods & Covers
Adaptor Hoods
D-SUB Connectors
DVI & HDMI Connectors
Modular Plugs & Jacks
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MH Connectors is a leader in the design, worldwide manufacturer and marketing of I/O interconnect products including our extensive ranges of connectors, hoods and covers. Our manufacturing resources include an integrated facility capable of high volume throughout with precision moulding, stamping, plating and assembly.
Tool design and maintenance are controlled by corporate staff. In addition, MH Connectors in-house hardware operations offers fast turn-around on connector hardware and custom packaging requirements. This coupled with our immensly experienced Engineering Group enable us to assist customers with full product development support from initial concept stage through to a completed design including tooling, design validation and verification with samples, prototypes and pilot production.